You never get a second chance at a first impression – this statement is applicable within all contexts in life, and even more so when it comes to business.
If you’re an entrepreneur or the owner of a startup, you’ll know how important first impressions are when it comes to attracting investors, customers and potential clients to your business. This is why it is imperative that you take all the necessary steps possible to ensure that your business exudes nothing but professionalism. In this article, we look at some dead easy methods that any startup can utilise in a bid to appear more professional, so read on to find out more!
1. Invest In High Quality Business Cards
One of the easiest ways for you to appear more professional as a start up is to invest in professional looking business cards. This means out with the low quality print and in with beautifully crafted cards that are printed with high quality toner cartridges and on premium paper. Business cards are a fantastic way for you to promote your business anywhere and at anytime. A great idea is to ensure that all your employees always travel with at least a dozen or so business cards so that they can serve as company ambassadors.
2. A Professional Looking Website is a Must
When it comes to websites, having one that is modern, clean and professionally designed is a fantastic way to not just exude professionalism but to also show your customers and clients that you care. A high quality website is one that is not only designed with taste, but one that loads quickly, is easy to navigate and is mobile responsive.
This way, regardless of what device your potential clients or investors are viewing your website on, you’ll be sure that they don’t encounter any misalignment, broken links or warped images that could potentially make your website look unprofessional. Enlisting the services of a professional website builder or designer is something that we’d recommend to any startup that is looking to bring their game to the next level.
3. Establish Social Media Presence

In 2019, if you don’t have any ounce of social media presence, chances are you may drive away potential customers and end up looking unprofessional. Your business doesn’t have to exist on every single social media platform, but making use of the more popular ones such as Facebook and Instagram is a fantastic way for your startup to appear more professional. Customers often have a lot more faith in companies that have a strong online presence, so you’ll certainly be doing your business a favour by establishing yourself online.
4. Create A Professional Email Address

Chances are, if you’re sending emails out from email addresses that are anything but professional looking, you risk not just looking silly, but having your important emails sent into people’s spam folders almost instantly. This is why creating a professional email address is so important when trying to establish a professional front. We highly recommend that your email address matches your domain name, and that all of your employees are given an email account that they can use to liaise with customers. You can utilise GSuite email to create secure, private and ad free email for your business for as little as $5 a month!
5. Invoice Promptly and Professionally
Last but not least, a fantastic way to make your startup appear more professional is to ensure that you are always invoicing promptly and professionally. This means having a standard invoice template that has your company logo, address and contact details attached to it and then ensuring that everyone utilises the template without fail. Always remember that you won’t stay in business long if you don’t get paid, so prompt invoices are an absolute must. Anything other than prompt is going to give off vibes of unprofessionalism, so try your best to never deviate from invoicing schedules if possible.
We hope that this article has given you some simple ideas on the steps you can take to make your startup appear more professional. First impressions count, so make sure that you truly leave a positive mark when people come across your business.
Featured image credit: Pixabay