ConsenSys, a global blockchain software company, announced a partnership with the Blockchain-based Service Network (BSN), China’s national blockchain infrastructure, to make blockchain more accessible for enterprises and government organisations.
As part of the partnership, ConsenSys Quorum, an open-source protocol layer that serves as a foundation for businesses to build Ethereum-based enterprise solutions, will be available in about 80 different cities through BSN’s public city nodes throughout mainland China.
The ConsenSys Quorum will be packaged with other mainstream permissioned and public blockchain networks to sell to enterprises and governments, offering a much larger and deeper market in China.
So far 108 public city nodes have been deployed connecting over 80 cities across mainland China and 8 public city nodes in other countries around the world.
This year, BSN aims to have over 10 permissioned and 30 more public blockchain protocols for developers to use at low cost on its global network.
In the coming months, GoQuorum will be made interoperable with some frameworks and protocols already part of the BSN via BSN’s Interchain Communications Hub. Developers can soon build on Quorum and achieve easy interoperability on BSN to build advanced IT systems that can satisfy sophisticated business logic.
ConsenSys Codefi applications such as Orchestrate, Workflow, and assets will be available on the BSN marketplace so developers can more quickly build reliable and scalable business applications.
Blockchain developer training programmes facilitated by Red Date Technology will also commence nationwide.

“After the launch, BSN will include Quorum in BSN’s training programs in 2021 to substantially accelerate the enterprise adoption of blockchain technology and Ethereum-based solutions in China.
GoQuorum will also be interoperable with other permissioned frameworks and open permissioned frameworks on BSN, building the blockchain cornerstone for the ‘new infrastructure’ in China,”
said Yifan He, CEO of Red Date Technology and the executive director of BSN Development Association.

“Decentralised protocols like Ethereum are a breakthrough in how we can imbue trust in all of our systems, by facilitating deeper collaboration and the creation of digital assets. ConsenSys Quorum is unique in that it spans the whole range of needs for enterprises in terms of privacy and permissioned features, yet is still compatible with the Ethereum mainnet.
We believe that the different open source blockchain protocols need to interoperate, and with the BSN we are taking a significant step forward in bringing ConsenSys Quorum to many enterprises in China that could benefit from transparent collaborative business networks,”
said Joseph Lubin, Founder of ConsenSys.
Since its launch in April 2020, the BSN is backed by the State Information Center of China (SIC), a think tank under the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), the highest economic planning agency. It is a cross-cloud, cross-portal, cross-framework, blockchain-based global infrastructure network.
BSN was designed to empower developers and companies to create, deploy and manage next-generation decentralised applications (dApps) more efficiently, conveniently and at low cost across multiple different protocols under a uniform standard.
Red Date Technology, a Beijing-based software company, China UnionPay and China Mobile are the founding companies behind the BSN. Red Date Technology oversees the R&D, daily operations and maintenance of the BSN.
So far, BSN has deployed more than 2,000 blockchain applications across enterprises and government organisations in China.